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Chronic stress caused some serious health issues for me several years ago. As an inevitable part of life, stress effects us all but we don't have to let it control our lives! For many people, running or other strong physical exertion is an effective way to manage stress but those modalities didn't work for me - I had disliked most forms of exercise all my life so I definitely needed a different path. 


On the advice of my doctor, I began a daily 10 minute meditation practice using apps to get started and focused on breathing. Slowly I began noticing a shift and that led me to the practice of yoga as an additional channel on this journey.


The daily breathing practice and yoga classes were helping me notice the shift in my relationship with stress and overwhelm. Feeling healthier in general, I realized how much these practices were helping me and had a desire to take these practices further. Through an eight-week course on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), which teaches several methods of secular meditation, I learned ways to be fully present in every moment. I was so hooked on yoga and meditation and what they were doing for me physically and mentally that I enrolled in yoga teacher training as a way to deepen my personal practice. In the summer of 2020, I completed yoga teacher training and became a Yoga Alliance 200-hour registered yoga teacher. 


In 2021, I achieved certification in a 100-hour mindfulness teacher training from CHILL. At the end of 2022, I graduated from YogaUOnline's 300-hour Yoga 2.0 Wellness Educator Program having focused on learning to teach mid-life beginners.


I'm very humbled and honored to offer You Are Here to help you manage stress and overwhelm and/or develop the skills for mindful, healthy aging and overall well-being. For information, to inquire or register for courses, or to schedule an appointment, please complete the Contact form.  â€‹

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